Develop authentic relationships with self, others and God.
The school motto at Lisieux is “Known and Loved”, which epitomises the learning community’s educational approach, as it proudly places relationships at its centre.
The school focuses on celebrating each child’s unique gifts and on nurturing students to grow as individuals. Students are guided to interact cooperatively with one another and develop authentic relationships with self, others and God.
Faith, hope, love and compassion are key values integrated into all aspects of the school’s philosophy and practice. Through the curriculum, including the Religious Education program, students learn about the messages of Jesus, and there is a strong focus on peace, justice and respect in the world.
Lisieux celebrates its Catholic faith through classroom prayer, exploration of gospel stories and liturgies based around seasonal events in the Church.
Students are engaged in a range of both formal and informal prayer experiences, including daily meditation, as they seek to deepen their relationship with God.
A key goal is to build a faith community which values and lives the message of Jesus.
The gospel values are contextualised in a framework that is meaningful for young people. The children are guided to appreciate diversity and to care for one other and our world, through relationships and their connection with nature.
While our Parish Catholic schools have been established for Catholic children, we are an open and welcoming community to all those who support the ethos of our school and our program.